The Youngblood International Blog

Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely...
The Yoga of Menopause – Alternatives to Hormone Therapy

The Yoga of Menopause – Alternatives to Hormone Therapy

Summary:It’s big news when a favored medical treatment – HRT for menopausal women – is found to be harmful. But it’s no news to readers of Susun Weed. She’s been blowing the whistle on both scientific and alternative treatments of menopause for nearly two...

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The Link between Hormones and Happiness

The Link between Hormones and Happiness

Hormones... they certainly don’t get much respect at times. What do they have to do with happiness? Actually, hormones play a big role in this feeling, and we are wise to learn about what factors they play in this area and what we can do to capitalize on...

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